Scheduled Periodic Drinking Water Line Chlorine Flush
Starting Monday, January 11, 2021
Ending Sunday, January 31, 2021
Maintaining high water quality in our drinking water system requires periodic line flushing and temporary treatment modifications. Our customers will notice more hydrant activity and a slight chlorine increase during the disinfection flush period (January 11, 2021 through January 31, 2021).
This is a temporary preventive maintenance process causing no adverse health effects.
During the flushing period, you may smell chlorine similar to levels found around swimming pools. If you are especially sensitive to the taste or odor of chlorine, keep an open container of drinking water on your counter for a few hours allowing the chlorine to dissipate.
Users of home dialysis machines, owners of tropical fish and managers of stores and restaurants with fish and shellfish holding tanks are advised to seek professional guidance for removing chlorine residuals from tap water.